The Exotic Tropical Fruit Markets of Rio de Janeiro

Fruit markets or feira livres in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil have some of the best exotic fruits I have ever seen. The sweet-scented aromas that fill the market area are captivating and quite frankly you won’t need much convincing to buy fruit or try one that you’ve never seen before. The friendly and flirtatious vendors will be more than happy to give you a sample.

brazilian fruit

There are several fruit markets in Rio de Janeiro, but I went to one down the street from where I am staying in Ipanema which is open every Monday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Av. Epitacio Pessossa right before the foot bridge to Leblon. There are fruit markets every day of the week, but each day they’re in a different location.

tropical fruits of brazil tropical fruits of brazil tropical fruits of brazil tropical fruits of brazil tropical fruits of braziltropical fruits of braziltropical fruit market in brazil tropical fruits of brazil tropical fruits of brazil tropical fruits of brazil
fish at the food market

Hope you enjoyed the photos of my morning at the fruit market in Ipanema!

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5 thoughts on “The Exotic Tropical Fruit Markets of Rio de Janeiro”

  1. Samantha Hussey

    Aren’t markets cool! They are the first places I head to when I am in a new city. The local people and the local life can all be found there! Such great colors and smells! Fab!

  2. I love visiting markets when I visit a new city/country – they’re always so vibrant and interesting. I really like how they’ve cut the guavas, they look so pretty. And it’s even better if they give you samples too. 🙂

  3. I always go and visit local markets every time I go to new places. I love the freshness product, and discovering new things too

  4. Grietje Evenwel

    Love (fruit) markets! The smell, the colors, the people 🙂 Would’ve loved to try to cook with some of those peppers 😀

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