Cheap Flights to Latin America with InterJet Airlines

If you are shopping around for cheap flights to Latin America, whether it is to Mexico, Guatemala or Peru, there is a budget airline that is beginning to make its presence on popular flight search engines such as Google Flights called Interjet. Interjet, a new carrier from Mexico, is a part of the OneWorld Alliance and it has great deals coming out of a few major cities in the United States to Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Cuba, Costa Rica and Colombia. There are also several destinations if you want to travel within Mexico.



Interjet is rather accommodating based on different factors. For one, they have a 15% senior citizens discount, which is awesome. They also have restrooms on flights designated for women-only in addition to a co-ed restroom. They pride themselves as being the only Mexican airline that offers this, however, I personally don’t know of any other international or domestic carriers to have a female-only laboratory.

Their baggage allowance is also generous, which is a total of 75 kg for up to three check-in items depending on the fare you buy. Say what? As part of the baggage allowance, you can check-in you surfboard, bicycle, or your musical instrument.

Where Does Interjet Fly Out of in the US?

InterJet flies out of a few major cities in the United States:

  • Los Angeles
  • Las Vegas
  • Chicago
  • Dallas
  • San Antonio
  • Houston
  • Miami
  • Orlando


Where Can You Fly to From the US on Interjet?

From each of those major US cities, Mexico City is the hub, so most flights connect through there. So whether you want to explore Mexico or travel to Lima, Peru, you would connect through Mexico City. However, for Cancun you can fly direct from either New York or Los Angeles, which is very convenient, especially if you have your eye on Tulum.

Let’s look at some popular backpacker destinations InterJet flies to:

  • Bogota
  • Cancun
  • Havana
  • Mexico City
  • Lima
  • San Jose
  • Guatemala

(For each of these locations, there is a connection in Mexico City.)

There are also direct flights from the US to a select few cities in Mexico:

  • From Houston, you can fly directly to Monterrey.
  • From Tijuana, you can fly directly to Aguascalientes, Culiacan, Guadalarja, and Leon.
  • From Las Vegas and San Antonio, you can fly directly to Guadalarja and Monterrey.

Cheap Flights to Mexico, Cuba, Central and South America

Ok, so how much are the routes? The fares posted on InterJet’s website are competitive with major airlines originating in the United States, but you’re also reaping InterJet’s added benefits of three checked-in bags up to 75 kg, when others will on allow for one free checked-in bag. For example, even though Costa Rica is an international destination (from LAX), United airlines charges for EVERY checked-in bag, even the first. Let’s do an airfare cost comparison. Right now, it’s mid-October so I will look up flights in March originating from Los Angeles, California to InterJet’s routes using Google Flights.

[table id=9 /]

As you can see, Interjet’s fare for March to the locations listed are not always the cheapest fares, but it’s about the same as the other major airlines. However, if you are not traveling with only a carry-on or using an airline co-branded credit card with benefits, then we need to also factor in the cost of checked in bags. The links below direct you to each airline’s baggage policy for your convenience:

The links below direct you to each airline’s baggage policy for your convenience:

Last Thoughts About Interjet

It’s always good to know that you have reasonable options when comparing airfare so that you can make the most of your vacation money so that you’re spending less to get to your destination and using what you saved on experiences. I have yet to fly on a Interjet flight, but I think it might happen soon because I am looking at flights to Havana, Cuba for 2017. InterJet has routes from Cancun to Havana, so it would make for a convenient hop at an affordable rate.



Have you ever flow on Interjet? How was your experience? Share in the comments below!

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10 thoughts on “Cheap Flights to Latin America with InterJet Airlines”

  1. A great addition to the list of airlines who compete for business. I wish they operated out of Canada as well! Especially for the baggage allowance, the extra fees are quickly adding on and adding up!

  2. I haven’t flown Interjet before, but their prices sure look good! Too bad I’m not near any of the airports they fly out of!!

  3. I have flown many times with Interjet, they do have great fares plus a really good service! They don’t charge for drinks onboard 🙂

    1. Hi Gokul! Actually, it’s a Mexican Airline which serves Central, South and North America. So if you are traveling within South America, you can fly out from Mexico City. Thanks for reading!

  4. Wow! I should book a flight with them fast. I really want to explore Cuba in the near future. At least I know that this is an option for the flights. Thank you for sharing!

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