How to Manufacture Spend for Credit Card Signup Bonuses with Amazon Payments

Amazon Payments No Longer Exists, sorry 🙁 

Manufacture spend is one of the easiest and quickest ways to meet credit card minimum spend requirements. For now, you can still manufacture spend using Amazon Payments for up to $1,000 making it a perfect tool to fall back on in case you are having a hard time meeting the requirement for the sign up bonus.

What is ‘manufacture spend’?

Manufacture spend is when you ‘spend’ money and get it back to pay your credit card statement. Essentially you’re recycling money. There are many methods to manufacture spend, but one of the best options is Amazon Payments. It’s a quick way to meet a minimum spend in a short amount of time.

How to manufacture spend with Amazon Payments

With Amazon Payments, it’s very easy to manufacture spend and meet your minimum spending requirement. Using Amazon Payments, you are able to pay another party up to $1,000 with a credit card. You can also use Amazon Payments to pay people you normally wouldn’t pay with a credit card, for example a baby sitter or gardener. Once the funds have been transferred to their Amazon Payments account, they withdraw it and essentially, give it back to you so that you pay your credit card with the money you transferred to them.

Steps to Using Amazon Payment for Manufacture Spend

Create an Account

In order to use Amazon Payments, you have to create an Amazon Payments account as does the person you will be transferring funds to. Creating an account is free and simple whether or not you have an Amazon account already. The person you are transferring money to should not be someone in the same household or a spouse.

In order to create an account, you must include your social security number, so if this is something you are not willing to do, you will not be able to create an account (click here to find out the possible risks).




Set Up Payment Options

Everyone using Amazon Payments, has to set up their account with payment options, either for receiving or sending funds. The person receiving funds needs to save a bank account number for the funds to be added into. Amazon Payments will deposit a small fund into your bank account to verify that the account is active. As the person sending the money, you would need to include the credit card information of the card you will be using to meet the minimum spend on.




Send Money

When you are sending money to a friend through Amazon Payments, make sure you do not send the Cash Advance option and instead send it as  “Goods and Services.” If you do select to send funds as a cash advance, your credit card company will charge you as such. If you do select Cash Advance, your credit card will also not post it as a purchase so you will not earn points on it.

Amazon Payments allows you to send up to $1000 a month for free so if you have minimum spend much higher than that, make sure to start the process of manufacture spend as soon as you receive the card because most minimum spend requirements have to be met at the end of the 3rd month of having the card.

When you do decide to “loan” money to a close friend for a service using Amazon Payment, make sure they pay you back either by cash or check and not through Amazon Payments. If it seems that you are abusing Amazon Payments by recycling money, then your account will get flagged and whatever funds are in your Amazon Payment account can be frozen and inaccessible to you.

Avoid Being Flagged

When you are sending or receiving funds, you do not want your account flagged for any reason. The account may be terminated at that point and if there are funds in your account, you will never get them back. Anytime you send money, always have a legitimate reason for making the payment such as rent or paying someone back. Also note that once you’ve reached 200 transfers, Amazon is required to report it to the IRS by law so be selective of the transfers decide to make.

In order to earn sign up bonuses the bottom line is that you need to meet the minimum spend requirement so you can earn the points before the deadline. Different manufacture spend methods like Amazon Payments are the quickest ways to meet the minimum spend, but you should never abuse the service. By abusing it you risk your account being terminated, but you also create the risk of Amazon creating stricter guidelines of the use Amazon Payments

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