Exotic Fruit Juices of Brazil Everyone Must Try

On pretty much every single corner of Rio de Janeiro, you will find a juice bar serving up some of the freshest tropical drink in the world. Brazil is known for having some of the most exotic fruits in the world and so many of them get juiced for a delicious healthy drink or smoothie. A cup of freshly squeezed cold juice is only a couple of dollars whereas in the US you won’t find a juice bar that sells fresh juice for less than $5 so when you come to Brazil, you have to explore the variety of fruit juices that you might not even know exist.

While most juice bars in larger cities in Brazil have English and Portuguese menus, I noticed the names of the fruits are not always translated so I put together a list of the popular fruit juices with the Portuguese and English name. You might even be surprised of the types of fruits they offer in Brazil to juice like eggplant!

Drink to your health, well-being and pleasure!

Abacaxi Pine Apple
Acerola Acerola
Amora Mulberry
Berinjela Eggplant
Beterraba Beet
Blueberry Blueberry
Cacau Cocoa
Cajá Caja
Caju Cashew
Caqui Persimmon
Carambola Carom
Cenoura Carrot
Coco Coconut
Cupuaçu Cupuassu
Figo Fig
Framboesa Rasberry
Fruta do Conde Conde fruit
Goiaba Guava
Graviola Soursop
Kiwi Kiwi
Laranja Orange
Laranja Lima Lemon-orange
Limonada Lemonade
Limonada Suíça Swiss Lemonade
Maçã Apple
Mamão Papaya
Manga Mango
Mangaba Mangaba
Maracujá Passion fruit
Melancia Watermelon
Melão Melon
Morango Strawberry
Pera Pear
Pêssego Peach
Pitanga Cherry
Tamarindo Tamarind
Tangerina Tangerine
Umbu Umbu
Uva Itália Italian grape

Recommended Juice Bars in Rio de Janeiro



Bibi Sucos

Rua Cupertino Durão, 81 A – Leblon

Big Nectar
Rua Conde de Bonfim, 658 – Tijuca

Rua Teixeira de Melo, 34, loja A – Ipanema

Horti Fruti
Rua Dias da Rocha, 45 – Copacabana




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